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STN 66 | Self-Storage Investing Basics

Self-Storage Investing Basics: Unraveling Success Secrets To Self-Storage Investments

STN 66 | Self-Storage Investing Basics


Welcome to the Self-Storage Investing Basics episode, where we unravel the secrets to success in the world of self-storage investments. Join Stacy Rossetti as she shares essential strategies, tips, and insights to help you navigate the market with confidence. From analyzing market demand to managing properties and maximizing profitability, this podcast covers it all. Subscribe now and unlock the potential of self-storage investing for financial prosperity.

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Self-Storage Investing Basics: Unraveling Success Secrets To Self-Storage Investments

Primary, Secondary, And Tertiary Markets

The one thing I wanted to talk about first is the difference between primary, secondary, and tertiary markets because we’re going to focus on finding facilities. In order to find a facility, you have to know the differences between all the types of markets in the industry. Let’s get started and talk about all the different markets. You have a better idea when I’m talking about primary, secondary, and tertiary markets. What am I meeting?

This is what it’s going to look like. Let’s say that we’re talking about Nashville. Inside Nashville, you’re going to have your primary market. Most people live in primary markets, let’s say. When you search on Google Maps, “Storage near me,” what comes up? Is there a lot of like cube smarts and extra space storage, and all these bigger players, public storage, U-Haul, and this kind of stuff?

Those are all primary market players, and then there are also other primary market players. Let’s say, Monster, LiveStorage, or Compass. Those are bigger players. A lot of times in these bigger primary markets, they’re going to be like maybe double-story or tri-story storage facilities, nicer facilities, and stuff like this.

In the center of Nashville, this is what you’re going to see. That’s the competition. In a primary market, your cap rate is your NOI divided by your purchase price. In the commercial world, the cap rate is this number that describes where your market stands in terms of what the purchasing power is in that market. A lower cap rate is supposedly less risky, and then a higher cap rate is more risky. I don’t agree with that, but that’s what everybody says in the industry. In the primary market, you’re going to typically be 4% to 6%.

Let’s compare Nashville, Tennessee to Savannah, Georgia. Nashville, Tennessee, we know, is this big metropolitan area, and there’s like this huge primary market, all these suburbs around Murphysboro and all these other suburbs around Nashville. If you are living, let’s say, in Murphysboro or one of these other suburbs around Nashville, and you’re searching and finding all these bigger players and storage facilities, you are still in a primary market.

Let’s talk about Savannah, Georgia. It’s not a big town, but it’s like 200 or 300 people. It’s a bigger city. When you’re in the downtown area of Savannah, you’re going to find bigger players as storage facilities there. The truth is that that primary market is small compared to the Nashville primary market. Nashville’s primary market is going to expand out to all the suburbs, whereas a primary market in Savannah would be the town of Savannah itself, and then outside would be considered a secondary market. You got to pay attention to what areas you’re looking at when you start looking for deals.

Secondary markets typically have 6% to 7% cap rates. When I put the percentage, that’s the cap rate. There are two different types of secondary markets. One of them is going to be maybe the suburbs of a primary market, for instance, like Savannah. Savannah’s suburbs like Pooler or whatever, those areas would be considered, a lot of times, secondary markets. You may have some bigger players there like Monster or some smaller bigger players there, but you’re not going to have lots of REITs in secondary markets.

For instance, I live in Tallahassee. It is a town of maybe between 200,000 and 300,000 people depending on the school year. It’s the same size as Savannah. We have a lot of storage in this area. It would be considered a secondary market, but there’s only 1 extra space and 2 cube smarts or something like this. There’s King Storage. It is a secondary market kind of bigger player. They have big facilities. It would be in Savannah or Tallahassee. You have these secondary market bigger players that are not like REITs.

In secondary markets, a lot of times, you’re going to have standalone cities. Tallahassee is a standalone city. It doesn’t have a lot of suburbs. Everybody lives in Tallahassee. Savannah’s a city. Everybody lives in Savannah. There are not a lot of suburbs around that town. You think about the state that you’re living in. What states are considered secondary markets that are not suburbs of primary markets? For us little people, we should be focusing on secondary or tertiary market facilities.

For us little people, we should be focusing on secondary market or tertiary market facilities. Share on X

I’m going to put here the tertiary market. Tertiary markets are typically going to be 7% plus. We’re not seeing a lot of high cap rates. Back in the day, when I started, I used to see a lot of high cap rates, but now you’re seeing 7% to 8%. It is good and 7% plus is a good tertiary market cap rate. You can get the cap rate higher when you like when you manage it properly, but when you’re buying, typically, you’re going to be running your numbers depending on your market. When you get the Deal Analyzer, if you decide to purchase the Deal Analyzer, however you’re running your numbers, you’re going to want to know what is the market cap rate.

The market cap rate is based on the area that you’re looking for in your facility. If you’re looking at a primary market, you can’t run a cap rate of 8%. If you’re looking in a tertiary market, you don’t want to be running your numbers at 4%. You want to understand your market and what the cap rate of your market is because that plays a major role in how you run your deal analysis.

Market Population And Cap Rates

What I want to talk about next is the population of these areas. Primary markets, to me, are going to be maybe 150,000 to 200,000 plus for the population of that area. When you’re starting to get in like bigger cities, 150,000 people, then you’re like, “I’m probably in a primary.” If you’re in a town of 150,000 people and there’s like no primary market players, then you should be looking at that area. That’s like a very good area to be investing in to maybe build something.

Secondary market populations are going to be from $50,000 to $150,000. That’s like a big city, but these secondary markets are not attached to suburbs. In a tertiary market, the population of those towns is 25,000 to 5,000. Tertiary market means like country, like little tiny towns in the middle of nowhere country. For instance, in Georgia, we have Albany, Georgia. That’s a nice big town. It’s got 15,000 to 20,000 people. In a tiny little area, it is a lot of people. You got to have storage in those areas.

It’s not going to be bigger players. It’s probably not going to be any secondary or primary market players. It’s going to be like mom-and-pop like us. When you think of the market and cap rate, you’re going to think of primary, secondary, and tertiary markets. You’re going to think 4% to 6% cap rate, 6% to 7% cap rate, or 7% to 8% cap rate. Maybe you can get up to a nine cap in a super tertiary market.

In the market you have primary. Let’s do primary, secondary, and tertiary. In between these areas, this is not like a normal term that a lot of people say, but I call these subsections. You would have a sub-primary, sub-secondary, and sub-tertiary area. Sub-primary means the suburbs of a primary market. Sub-primary to me would be buying a facility right now in Carrollton, Georgia. It is a suburb of Atlanta. It’s outside of the Atlanta area. It’s growing very fast area.

Sub-primary areas are obviously going to be more expensive. The cap rate is going to still be 4% to 6%. The cap rate’s going to be a little bit lower than the primary market. For instance, I’m selling three facilities in the Atlanta market. From Fairburn to Newnan to Franklin, Fairburn is the primary market, Newnan is the secondary market, and Franklin is a tertiary market.

Atlanta to Franklin is maybe a 45-minute drive. Franklin may be considered a sub-secondary market. It may be not a tertiary market. Maybe it’s a sub-secondary market. The population is only 12,000 people for Franklin. It’d be considered a tertiary market, but since it’s on the outskirts of Newnan, maybe you could consider that also a sub-secondary market. Does that make sense?

You have to understand because cap rates get very difficult to figure out, especially when you’re near primary markets. We ran our numbers at 7% to sell the properties. The truth is, in Fairburn, we could have gotten a 6% cap, in Newnan, we could have gotten maybe a 6.5% cap rate, and then Franklin would’ve been like a 7% cap.

We ended up running all of our numbers at a 7% cap to make it a better deal for everybody. You want to think that in terms of the location of the facility equals what the cap rate is going to be. It’s hard to determine, but you can always pick a cap rate like this. This is a good way to start. If you ran with a realtor, you hired Marcus & Millichap to sell your properties, they would look at all your numbers and then they would come up with a 6.38% cap rate or something. This is what they would do.

When we’re writing our numbers, you just round it up. It’s not a big deal. It doesn’t change that much. This is the 6% to 7%, and then this is going to be the 7% plus. A sub-tertiary market, I would consider this to be 5,000 or less. A sub-secondary is like 40,000 to 60,000. Also, sub-primary, too. Carrollton only has 50,000 or 40,000 people in it. Suburbs, even though the population is still like 40,000, are still going to a sub-primary market.

Purchase Price

The population is not that important in the subsection market. Sub-tertiary is 5,000 or less. We were hugely interested in doing the coaching program. For everybody, the coaching program is open. Go to if you’re interested. I was talking to a guy right before this. He can only afford $200,000 to buy his first facility.

He has to be looking in tertiary markets because as you go through this, this is going to be more expensive. If you can come up with $1 million, then you could probably buy in a primary market if you wanted to. We use that as a down payment. If you can only come up with $50,000 or $100,000, which is typically most people $300,000 or less for a down payment on the property and you’re reverse engineering because you’re trying to figure out what areas you should be focusing on of all these areas to look for facilities. The purpose of the conversation is trying to figure out, “Where should I look?”

When you think of primary, secondary, and tertiary markets, you’re going to be in the $3 million plus purchase price for this on average. Maybe you can find a diamond in the rough. A lot of times, that’s like few and far between, especially nowadays. When I got started many years ago, I was finding diamonds in the roughs all everywhere. It’s harder now. There is a lot more work to find those.

STN 66 | Self-Storage Investing Basics
Self-Storage Investing Basics: When you think of primary, secondary, and tertiary markets, you’re going to be in the 3 million plus purchase price.


I’m buying the next facility we close on in Carrollton, Georgia. I would consider that a sub-primary market. It’s the suburb of Atlanta. Even though there are like 40,000 people there, I’m purchasing that facility for $1.4 million. You could probably get in some sub-primary area properties for between $1 million and $3 million, to give you an idea for the most part.

When you get into secondary markets, it probably is going to be between $1 million and $3 million unless you find somebody that has been in that secondary market since it was a tertiary market, and then it became a secondary market. You want to look for areas like what was what used to be a tertiary market but is now a secondary market. You might be able to find some of those diamonds in the roughs in those areas.

A secondary market is $1 million to $3 million. A sub-secondary market is going to be anywhere from $500,000 to $1.5 million on average. For instance, we bought a facility in Valdosta, Georgia, which has 75,000 people. That would be considered a secondary market. Valdosta has a few suburbs of that town. One of them is Bemis. Bemis is where we bought that facility. It was right on the border of Valdosta and Bemis. It’s a Valdosta address, but north of us is a little town called Bemis. That’ll be considered a sub-secondary market. Once you start going out into those areas, the prices get cheaper.

You might be able to be able to find a diamond in the rough. Our competitor from that property that we bought is King Storage. They have this massive storage facility that’s probably worth a lot of money. It’s 300 or 400 doors. That’s probably worth $4 million. That’s a secondary market. You can find more expensive properties in these areas, but you can also find this type of facility. Sub-secondary is going to be maybe $500,000 to $2 million. That’s a good average.

Finding Gold In Tertiary Markets

In the tertiary market, now we’re going into these towns that are $15,000 or $20,000, and there are a lot of towns like this in your state. Find these towns because these are gold mines. There’s not a lot of competition in these towns. They’re mom-and-pop owners. The only thing with the tertiary market is that they’re mom-and-pop owners. They want to know you. You need to be the type of person that goes out and connects with these owners. You can’t sit there.

Every owner I talk to is like, “Everybody calls. They all want to buy my storage facility. Tell them to send me an offer and nobody ever sends me an offer nobody ever comes here.” Nobody goes there. These tertiary market owners want to know, like, and trust you. Our process when we talk to tertiary market owners is, “Hop on Zoom. Let’s talk on Zoom and introduce ourselves to each other.” Go out and meet the owner. Somebody on my team is going to meet that person.

A lot of tertiary market owners don’t want to do business with anybody that doesn’t come to meet them. Another thing is they will not show you financials unless you’re like right there with them. 1 out of 10 owners is like this. They say like, “I’ll sell my property. I’ll take an offer. Come here, meet me, and I’ll show you my financials.” A lot of owners do that.

This is where the gold is, especially if you want to get started. We got 100 contracts. It’s in the Panhandle, Florida. It’s 66 units for $200,000. It’s worth $500,000 or $600,000. We got it under contract for $200,000. There is also a car wash on the property that takes up half of an acre. We’re going to take that down and add some more units. We picked up this property in a tertiary, in a small little town for $200,000. The property is full.

The one thing I love about tertiary markets is that the tenants stay for a long time. Primary market turnover is all the time because who wants to pay $300 a month for 10 years? Nobody wants to do that. In a tertiary market, people will pay $50 or $100 a month for 5 or 10 years. That’s another reason why I love tertiary markets. Don’t discredit these areas. Go out and find facilities in towns of like 5,000 to 25,000. Talk to the owner, go and meet them. You can find some expensive properties. The more doors they are, the more filled up they are, and the more expensive they are. Typically, 200 or 300 doors are $2 million.

Don't discredit tertiary markets. Go out and find facilities in towns of five to 25,000. Talk to the owner. Go and meet them. Share on X

In a tertiary market, you can find stuff for $50,000 all the way up to $1.5 million to $2 million in a tertiary market. Most of the time, and especially in sub-tertiary, you’ll be at $50,000 to $500,000. Now you have an idea. This is all the different markets in the commercial world and how you should be looking at them. You have the cap rates. When you run deal analysis, you know what number to use, and you also have the population of each of these areas.

There are always anomalies. You have an idea overall and this is what it’s looking like. On top of that, now you have the price range. I was talking to another guy. He emailed me. He was like, “I can afford $500,000.” I was like, “You need to be looking at tertiary to sub-secondary markets.” When I’m telling somebody, “You should be looking in tertiary to sub-secondary markets,” this is exactly what I mean right here. Hopefully, that gives you an overview of where you should be.

If somebody said, “What is the size of the tertiary market?” “Tertiary market is right here. It’s 2,500 to 5,000. We have 50,000 to 150,000.” Sub-tertiary is 5,000 or less. Hopefully, that gives you an overview of what the market looks like out there. This is what I’m seeing. I used to teach primary, secondary, and tertiary markets, but as I started getting deeper into all the different types of markets out there, I broke it down to an even deeper level because I’ve noticed there are a lot of differences because a lot of people were thinking like, “I could go to the suburbs. That’s the secondary market because the population’s only 40,000 people,” but that’s not how it works.

Six Different Ways To Invest In Self-Storage

Suburbs are considered the primary market. If you cannot afford expensive facilities, then you should not be looking in the suburbs of your town. You need to find secondary, sub-secondary, tertiary, and sub-tertiary markets. That’s the market. What I wanted to get into also was all the different ways that you can invest in self-storage and the different types. I’ve been asking about my application. The question on the application is, “When you envision yourself buying a storage facility, what storage facility do you want to buy? What type of facility are you interested in?”

I always get random answers, big ones or something. There are six different ways to invest in self-storage. I’m going to go over the six different ways and the different types of facilities out there so that you have an educated idea of what types of facilities are out there. After I teach this, tell me which of the six you’re interested in. The six ways to invest in self-storage. We’re going to start out first with what I do.

I buy mismanaged facilities. There are a couple of things about mismanaged facilities that you should know about. First of all, the rent prices suck. Rents are not what they should be. Rents are not market rents. Rents are horrible. 1) You get to raise the rent. 2) Vacancy or occupancy can be increased. Occupancy sucks. We have three facilities under contract. The occupancy is 25% and the vacancy is 75%. That is clearly a mismanaged facility. He’s charging good rates, but he’s not full. Maybe the rates are too high or he’s not doing enough marketing to get people into the door. There are a lot of things that go into that. Mismanaged facilities are 1 of the 6 ways.

Another thing with mismanaged facilities is that there’s a lot of appreciation. The price is low. Appreciation is high. Most of the time, you have to come out of pocket in order to stabilize the property. It could be 3, 6, 9, 12 months, or whatever. We’ve had to come out of the property. For instance, the three of them I told you that we have under contract are 25% full. The value of all three of the properties is worth $200,000. We are buying those properties for $1.2 million.

STN 66 | Self-Storage Investing Basics
Self-Storage Investing Basics: Another thing about mismanaged facilities is that most of the time, you have to come out of pocket in order to stabilize the property.


Why would I spend $1 million more on the property than what it’s worth? It’s because the appreciation on the back end is high and the price is low because when I stabilize those properties, they’re worth almost $2.5 million to $3 million. I’ll make a minimum of $1 million-plus on that property, but I will have to come out of pocket every single month for one year in order to stabilize that property. That’s mismanaged facilities.

It’s not renovations. That’d be some maybe at a gate or put some security in, but it’s the management of the property and getting the property le the property leased up. That is what you’re doing in the mismanaged facility sector. This is what we do. In every facility I own, the rent sucks, the occupancy’s low, and I’m doubling or tripling the value of the property over the course of 2 to 3 years, but I have to come out of pocket every single month. We don’t have any cashflow. We have a huge amount of net worth but no cashflow. That’s number one.

The next one is income-producing properties. It means that you got cashflow. The rents are at market rate. The occupancy is good, decent, or better. The bad thing is that there’s only a little bit of appreciation on the back end. You can’t buy an income-producing property and double the value of that property. There’s a little appreciation. The price is okay. You’re paying top dollar for something like this. Some people want cashflow. They want to get rid of their job and they want to have cashflow. You need to be focusing on income-producing properties.

Mismanaged facilities are going to take you a year to make money. All of the facilities in my fund in Self Storage Fund of America are mismanaged facilities. I tell my investors, “You need to give me 12 to 18 and possibly even 24 months to be able to pay you a distribution because every facility I buy is not making money, and it will take that long to make money.” That’s income-producing properties.

The next one is conversions. Conversions are where you take an empty building and then you add storage inside of it. This is super popular right now. In fact, the facility that we bought in Leesburg, Florida, was a conversion. It was an empty building, and the owner put storage into it. It was a mismanaged conversion. Conversions are a great way to get into the business. You could build this out yourself or buy it completely.

STN 66 | Self-Storage Investing Basics
Self-Storage Investing Basics: Conversions are where you take an empty building and then you add storage inside of it.


The thing is, to buy an empty building, either completed or you have to build it out, that building itself is going to be expensive. Big commercial buildings are expensive. You build it out, and then you have to go through the whole pre-development process. If it’s not zoned, you have to go through getting all the permits be doing the whole build-out process. You have to do the build-out process yourself and go through the permitting process, or you can buy it complete and done. Another thing about conversions of this is that these are typically climate control.

There’s a lot more maintenance in climate control facilities. There’s a lot more maintenance in owning the building. We have to worry about the ACs, “When do we have to update? How does the roof look?” There’s a lot more upkeep and maintenance, but the good thing about conversions is that it is climate controlled. Typically, climate-controlled facilities are anywhere from $150 to $250 a square foot.

You get more money for the facilities, but you do have higher utilities. You’re getting, on average, $2 a square foot. If you can go out and find a good deal, like on a building that’s been sitting there, and then you can convert it, in conversions, you can make a lot of money. You can double the value. We bought our Leesburg one, and we will double the value of that property. We got an owner-financed as well. That’s conversions.

We then have new construction. You got to have a strong stomach for new construction. It takes forever. Over the course of the next couple of years, from now until like maybe the end of 2025, the way to make a lot of money in storage is going to be new construction or mismanaged facilities. If you want to build out a conversion or new facility, you’re going to be able to triple the value of that property within the next couple of years. Once you get at least up and stuff, it takes time to do that. Mismanaged facilities as well. Find super crazy properties and then manage them properly, but it takes forever. There’s a lot of upfront money.

You got to go through the pre-development process and get zoning and permits. In our coaching program, we have our mastermind for all the students. One of our students, Phillip, owns a storage facility in Texas, and then he also works for a company that builds storage facilities. He came in and he talked about the whole new construction process, the industry, what’s going on, and what you have to go through. Getting to the actual phase where you’re building the facility takes forever. You have to go through it. You have to find the land and buy it.

First, you’ve got to get it approved to be able to build the facility. You got to clear it, get the site work, and civil work, and make sure that you’re getting everything approved then after you do all that stuff and finally get your permitting process, then you can start building. That still takes several months to even do that. There are a lot of upfront costs in doing all that. You have to know that you have to have a strong stomach in order to do new construction. The truth is if you can build, you will make the most amount of money that you can make in all of the industry through this sector right here.

If you can build, you will make the most amount of money that you can make in all of the industry through new construction. Share on X

We have one student that’s building. He has been working on this thing for a year and a half. He got one building done and is working on a couple more buildings. He’s going through the motions. He has a very good personality when it’s stressful, but he pushes through and stuff. That’s the personality you want to have. We used to build on the residential side. I do not have that personality. I was stressing out. I was pissed. I was like yelling at everybody. Pete and I were arguing all the time. We decided that the new construction is not for us. We focus on mismanaged facilities, but some people got it in them. If you think you got it in you, this is the best way to make money in the industry.

Also, we have wholesaling. If you haven’t heard of wholesaling, this is where you have your storage facility. You have the buyer and the seller. You find the storage facility, the buyer, and the seller. That is what wholesaling is. You’re going to find this facility. You’re going to buy it for $500,000 from this person, and you’re going to sell it for $550,000 from this person. In the middle, you get to make $50,000. That’s wholesaling.

All it is just contracts. They sign a contract. It’s like paper. You’re the middle person or the broker. There are a little more rules to this. I get into this coaching program a lot. This is in my course. If you’re interested in learning about wholesaling, I go deep into the course on how to do wholesaling. Check that out. Wholesaling is a great way for you to earn money. You’re earning the big bucks. $50,000 is a good amount of money. I bought two storage facilities from two different wholesalers, and they each made either $125,000 or $150,000 off of me.

I paid each holder. It wasn’t $50,000. It was $150,000. They’re more expensive facilities. They weren’t $500,000. When you buy $3 million facilities, you’re okay with paying $150,000 to the person that brings you that deal. That is how wholesaling works. It’s a great way. If you are like, “I don’t have enough money to do this,” what you should be doing is wholesaling self-storage. In our coaching program, we have people that are wholesaling self-storage. You can do this. You have to learn the rules and the laws on how to do this and go through that.

Another thing too is in the coaching course, you have access to my contract. My contract is an assignable contract. This contract right here needs to be assignable, which I get into in the coaching program. You’ll have access to my contract in the course and the coaching program too. Wholesaling is another way to get into the industry.

Finally, we have lending. All of the five different ways of getting into self-storage and buying a storage facility, it isn’t easy. It’s a lot of work. After you own the facility, got it up, running, and automated, it is not a lot of work. I was talking to one student. We found a facility for him through turnkey acquisitions. He didn’t even have to do any of that work at all.

He got it up and running. He bought it in December 2022. I had our quarterly meeting with him. He was like, “It’s a lot easier than I thought.” I was like, “How are the first 90 days?” He’s like, “The first 90 days were crazy.” We found him a facility. He spent 90 days chasing tenants, getting it up and running, and automating everything. Now he’s barely even doing anything with the storage facility. To find a facility and then get it up and running to where you are automated isn’t easy. It’s a lot of work.

If you don’t want to put the time and effort into doing that, then you should lend it out. Find somebody that will do all the work for you. Partner with them. Lend the money out. Be the silent partner. Be the person that lends the money and makes the money. Ultimately, if you want to get into real estate investing, your long-term goal should be this. Your long-term goal should not be, “I want to own 1,000 storage facilities.” Your long-term goal should be, “I want to make enough money so that I can lend my money out and make money on my money.” This is your long-term goal in real estate.

This is the easiest way to make money. Lending your money out or investing your money. You can lend, partner, or put it into a fund and JV. JV would be like, “We’re 50/50 partners. I’m going to do this and you’re going to do that. We’re going to work together. We’re going to do this as a team.” You could also be a silent partner. You can be like, “Here’s my money. You do all the work. You’re the boots-on-the-ground person. I’m the money person,” or you can find a fund. You can passively put your money into a fund and let that asset manager make money for you.

This is a true passive income. Owning a storage facility is not passive income. It’s one of the most passive ways to make money in the real estate world, but it is not truly passive income. If you only have to wire money over and then you get a check every single month, that is passive. Those are the six different ways to invest in self-storage.

You’ve got mismanaged facilities, income-producing properties, conversions, new construction, wholesaling, and lending. Of all these six ways, what appeals to you the most? Somebody said, “Is your fund for accredited investors?” The fund that I have is for accredited investors. We closed on a fund. That was for non-accredited and accredited investors. Every once in a while, we do syndications where we allow non-accredited investors. That’s the Self Storage Fund of America.

You should be like, “Mismanaged and lending. Income-producing and lending.” I love the lending on the end because that ultimately should be your goal. You want your money to work for you, and you don’t want to have to do anything to make that money. I have one lender that over the course of the 10 years, gives me $2 million. We’ve been using that $2 million for 10 years. He has made much money off of me. He made a ridiculous amount of money. He came to my very first property many years ago, and then, he’s never seen any property that I’ve ever bought with his money since then. That is truly passive income. I pay him on a monthly basis.

Christopher says, “Where can I find information on syndicates for non-accredited?” For a non-accredited investor, you want to look up 506(b) funds. This is where you don’t have a net worth of $1 million. 506(c) is for accredited. Also, 506(a). That’s what you want to look for. 506(b) is non-accredited, but there are all kinds of non-accredited. There are not a lot of non-accredited storage facility funds, but there are a lot of 506(b) funds. Wendy says, “Income-producing and this is mismanaged to learn the business, and the ultimate goal is to lending.” I love it.

“How long does it take to build a clientele with conversion versus the prior two?” The lease-up phase is one new tenant a week. You lose one tenant in a month. That’s how you should run your numbers. This is only going to take you so far. Buy my course and the Deal Analyzer. Go through the training sessions, and then hop on this. That’s my teaching triad.

You want to do a webinar. We have the Deal Analyzer, and then you have the course. You can get all this at This is the winning way to storage or coaching. The coaching is if you want to talk to me and then go through the application process. I appreciate you hanging out with me and I will see you in the next episode. Take care.


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