Phone: 419-77-STACY

Facility Owner Mastermind

StorageNerds Turnkey Acquisitions

Facility Owner Mastermind

Doors to StorageNerds Coaching are Closed NOW!

The Doors Will Be Closing On May 31st, 2023

Self-Storage Facility Owner Mastermind

Challenges of the Storage
Facility Owners

Access to Our
Amazing Community

Marketing Checklist for Owners

Stacy and her team have compiled over 150 ways that they market for tenants throughout there 16 facilities they own. You get this list so you can start implementing them as well. Remember in this industry "May the Best Marketer Win."

Bootcamps & Replays

Every September Stacy & Pete hold the Run Them bootcamp. This is a virtual bootcamp where they teach how to onboard your facility and manage it so that you can make it as passive as possible. This is a 2 day bootcamp and its included with the facility owner mastermind membership! You will also get access to last year’s bootcamp as well if you don’t want to wait till the next one to implement new strategies.

Bonus - Deal Analyzer 4.0

As a bonus for joining Stacy is including her Deal Analyzer 4.0 so that you can run numbers on new facilities and put more offers in to build your portfolio up.

In-Field Training Day

An In-Field training day with me going to storage facilities and seeing what I see when I am analyzing deals

VIP Private Facebook Group

Meet everyone in the community so you can start hearing their stories. How did they find their facility to buy? How did they fund it? How do they run their facilities? Any questions you have you can post in the group and let everyone answer.

Virtual Mastermind

Attend the StorageNerds virtual mastermind on Zoom once a month and hear everyone’s challenges. Chime in to help them solve that problem. Tell everyone what issues you are having and have everyone chime in and give you actionable solutions. If you can’t make the mastermind for that month, no worries – its recorded you will get access to ALL mastermind replays.

Replay of Last Year’s Bootcamp

Want a jumpstart on getting your storage facility in order? Get access to Stacy’s management bootcamp from previous years to watch and learn how she and her husband Pete onboarded and implemented all of the techniques they are using internally for their 16 facilities, including all marketing and auction process techniques, plus phone and website conversions.

Build Your Portfolio

Student Success Stories



“Closed on our third facility today! When we signed up for Stacy’s group in January we made the goal of closing three deals this year and we did with a few days to spare. Big thanks to Stacy, Pete & everyone in this group for guidance and support!” Leeseburg, Florida / 190 units + RV/ Boat Parking + room to expand

Linda G

Thanks to Stacy Rossetti, Carmella, and the Turnkey Acquisitions Team, I have successfully entered the storage facility business! Stacy and her team have been incredible mentors throughout this journey. From learning the fundamentals of the storage business to practical insights on finding, funding, and managing a facility, their guidance has been invaluable. I am grateful to Stacy and the team for their dedication and knowledge-sharing. They have not only equipped me with the skills needed to succeed but have also inspired me to aim higher in my entrepreneurial endeavors. I highly recommend Stacy Rossetti and the Turnkey Acquisitions Team to anyone looking to enter the storage business with confidence and competence. Thank you, Stacy and team for making my dream of owning a storage facility a reality!


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