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StorageNerds | Invest In Self-Storage

Seven Ways To Invest In Self-Storage

StorageNerds | Invest In Self-Storage


Unleash your inner property mogul and embark on a journey of financial freedom with our expert guide to self-storage investing. In this insightful episode, seasoned investor Stacy Rossetti shares her invaluable knowledge on identifying and acquiring underperforming storage facilities. Learn how to maximize revenue, minimize expenses, and navigate various investment strategies, including wholesaling, entitlements, and conversions. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to succeed in the self-storage market. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the seven ways to invest in self-storage and unlock the path to financial freedom! Tune in now and learn how to transform self-storage investing into a lucrative venture with Stacy Rossetti.

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Seven Ways To Invest In Self-Storage

I’m going to teach in this episode the seven different ways to invest in self-storage. Let me know what you’re interested in in terms of self-storage. Another thing I wanted to point out is my book is available. My book is out now. It’s on Amazon and it got published. I haven’t done anything with it. If you want to check that out, that would be great. I appreciate it. I’m also looking for reviews. If you read the book and you liked it, I’d appreciate it of you, but it’s two years of my life right here trying to put this into a book.

It’s not AI-generated or anything. These are real-life examples of the facilities that I’ve bought and the step-by-step process. If you guys are reading, you know my style and stuff. My three-step process is to find them, fund and run them. On this training that I do on Wednesdays, I always teach either find them, fund them or run them every week and switch them off. The book is that kind of a way as well. I’m going through all three of those steps.

What we’re going to do is we’re going to learn about all the different ways that you can invest in self-storage. We are going to go through each of those. I’m sure you may have heard of 1 or 2 ways, but I’m going to let you know one house can industry, not just buy the storage itself. There are more ways than that.

Thank you for hanging out with me. I try to teach every week and then I’ll teach step-by-step processes on different types of areas in the storage industry. This is not the same session every single time. I’ve never done the same session before because, through my coaching program, it’s like hearing all the students and all the challenges that they’re having. That’s where I get my ideas from and what to teach. It is never the same. This is not one of those webinars that you’re going to read over and over. This is real life steps.

Let’s get started. In my mind, I think there are seven different ways that you can get started with self-storage investing. That is what I want to go through. We own 16 facilities, and I’m also partnering in another, like at least 15, I’m not sure. I lost county. We have a lot of experience in like every single type of deal out there. On top of that, I have students who have closed at least 50 storage facilities, if not more. I hold their hand and I walk them through all the different types of facilities.

There’s not one way to do anything in this industry. Every single facility that I’ve either purchased myself or with students on, or like, I’ve seen my students close, every one of them is completely different. They’re not all the same now. They think the same. The truth is that in terms of what the owners want, what the buyers want, what the income is, what the vacancy is, how much revenue it’s making, how you’re going to close the bill, how you’re going to finance the bill, all these different types of things that you’re thinking about in your mind and asking questions about all of these different nuances create one special type of facility that you’ll probably never come question.

Buying Mismanaged Facilities

I’ve broken it down over the course of the many years I’ve been doing this, what types of deals I’ve seen, what types of people are in the industry out there trying to buy facilities and stock breaker. Let’s talk about why I own 16 facilities. Every single facility that I’ve ever bought is always a mismanaged facility. If you’ve been following me for a long time, then you know that that’s my thing is mismanaged anyway. I started in the real estate industry in 2010 or 2011. If you guys remember back to that time, that’s when we were coming out of the bubble and everything was in foreclosure. All of the houses and the properties were in foreclosure.

When I got into real estate investing, that’s what I did was buying, I was buying houses and renovating them and stuff. I got into that mindset of you have to buy really crappy things they make them. That’s the backbone of managed facilities on the self-storage. When you look at a house that you are renovating and you look at a storage facility that’s mismanaged, it’s two different things because, on the storage side, it’s about management. You are buying a business, and essentially, what happens is your job as the owner. If you do not understand this concept, you’ll fail in this business. You say your goal as an owner is to increase revenue and decrease expenses.

That is how you make money in the storage. It is not, per se, an investment property. You have a piece of property that you are holding onto, ultimately on the commercial side way that real estate is valued is by how much money that property is. It doesn’t matter if it’s the most beautiful property in the world. If it’s not making money, then it’s not going to be worth what you put into it. We buy severely mismanaged facilities because they are not making the income they should be making. When I say I buy mismanaged facilities, I know there is an upside in managing the property better. That’s what it is. It’s how you manage the facility

It doesn't matter if it's the most beautiful property in the world. If it's not making money, it won't be worth it. Share on X

That means that your job as the owner is to increase revenue and decrease expenses. That’s what you’re doing. In regards to renovations, is there work that needs to be done? The truth is you could buy comfort property or a mismanaged facility and there’s always work that needs to be done. It doesn’t matter what facility is, there’s always going to be some CapEx. In terms of fixing it up, you may need to give in. I talked to a student. They live in Texas. They have a facility under contract in North Carolina.

They flew out to walk the property and do their due diligence. He was telling me that as he was rocking around, he noticed some cooling of water. It has asphalt. It’s totally paved. It’s a nice-looking property. It’s got a gate, but there are some issues with the pay. It doesn’t matter if it’s income-reducing or if it’s mismanaged. You’re always going to have CapEx on a property. It could be a little bit of CapEx or it could be a lot of CapEx. That does not classify a facility as being mismanaged or not. Mismanaged means it’s not making the money that it should be making in the respect that you can 2X, 1.5X or 3X for revenue in the course of 3 years.

Mismanaged property means it's not making the money it should be making. Share on X

That’s what you’re asking yourself, “Can I 2X my money?” A lot of people say like, “I can 1.2X, 1.5X, 1.9X or 3X,” or whatever it is. Can you increase the revenue? In terms of the country, you can increase the rates in some regards. 2) Income-producing, cashflowing or whatever you want to call it. If I’m buying an income-producing property, this is a property that’s making money that it should be making, then you still can raise the rents.

You still can look at the competition. You can do a competitive analysis and say this facility here is around $0.47 a square foot. That’s what the income is divided by square foot. That’s what you’re coming up with. I’m looking at the competition. Everybody’s at around on average for 10 by 10 or 10 by 20 on average and let’s say $0.50 or $0.52 a square foot. Sometimes, when you look and deal analysis in facility, you will say like, “It’s about where the price should be. He’s charging exactly right where he should be, but can I increase the rent a lift-tiny bit or maybe in the next couple of months or in the next half a year I can increase the rent by 5% for anybody that’s been there for a year or month?”

There are always possibilities, even if it’s an income-producing property that’s making what it should be making. There are always possibilities for increasing the rent. Maybe in a long time, we make 5% or something like that. There’s a difference between a mismanaged facility to an income-producing property. Mismanaged facilities, you can increase the rent by 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% or maybe 50% or whatever it is. On top of that, you can also increase the vacant. That’s the mismanaged facility.

Deal Analysis

When you buy my Deal Analyzer and you look at the Deal Analyzer, there are three different ways that we analyze bills. The first one is, “Current as is right now. What is the property? What is the valuation of this property?” Most of the time, it’s either below what they’re going to pay for or it’s right at what you’re going to pay for.

We evaluate the property based on vacancy. Can you increase the vacancy from 50% to 80% or 70% to 85% or whatever it is calls for that area?” The third way that we evaluate the properties is by increasing the rent. What is the price per square footage right now and what can we get that to? It’s an opportunity. When you’re looking at both of these facilities, which is the two most common things that you’re going to be doing in storage, then you are looking at Deal Analyzer.

You have current, potential and outcome. This is year 1, 2 and 3. In Year 1, what’s the income, vacancy, and the valuation? What’s the cap rate? That’s what you’re looking at. You’re looking at the income and the vacancy and the price per square foot is $0.47. The cap rate is 4%, 5% or 6% or whatever you’re buying at the valuation. It is worth $1 million as is with the income, it’s making $100,000 and it’s 70% full. From both, you are looking at those evaluations. In Year 2, your goal is to take it from 50% full to 75% full or 60% full to 70% full, or 60% full to 80% full or whatever it is. Your job is to make sure that the vacancy and the highest can be dependent on the market.

It could be 80%. Maybe most of the facilities in the area are only 80% to 85% full at all times or maybe it can do 90% or 95%. It depends on the market. You’re doing deal analysis on your properties. Now you’re saying, “Can I increase the income by increasing the vacant from what it currently is to what it could be to the highest possible global amount?” For tertiary and secondary markets, we typically run our numbers at like 90 to 92 full. Primary markets is around 80% to 90% full, depending on how primary that market is.

All this stuff that I’m talking about, you’re not getting it and you’re reading this. All are in my course, you could learn about this. Also, the Deal Analyzer in the course is all explained. Trying to do more of a high level, not getting a nitty gritty or you can join StorageNerds. You have a vacancy and then you’re decreasing.

Valuation and cap rates are going up, and your price per square foot is going up. After a couple of years, I’m like, “This is slow and steady wins the race.” This doesn’t happen overnight. It takes 2 to 3 years. If you’re buying an income-producing property that’s doing what it’s supposed to be doing, obviously, this could be a lot quicker. I’m telling you, 90% of all the facilities that I see are going to take 18 to 24 months to get where it is. The first nine days that you don’t want property, you’re like, “What the hell is going on?”

StorageNerds | Invest In Self-Storage
Invest In Self-Storage: 98% of all the facilities will take a team to work.


Increasing Revenue And Decreasing Expenses

After that, the next nine days, you’re like, “I’m getting the hang of this. We figure this out.” It takes a good one year for you to even really get a hang power go then, and the next year, you’re like, “How can I figure this out? What is the strategy here? What’s the competition doing? What’s been marketing?” You are figuring that out. Give it a couple of years, and then year three, you’re like, “Let’s start raising in those ones.” In years 2 to 3, you’re like, “Let me do a $5 increase or $10 increase. What is that increase amount that I can do that doesn’t piss everybody off but at the same time increases the value of my property?” It’s just a game. In years 2 and 3, you’re figuring out the management.

You’re figuring out what the price should be. It’s nuts. Every month we are looking at the prices of our competitors. We’re looking at people with a vacancy or not, or like if they’re doing a promo or how much money we’re spending on, like our boots on the ground. You’re looking at years 2 or 3. It’s really a game and you are sitting there trying to figure out what it should be. The truth is every month or every couple of months it changes.

You want to be like, “I’ll check the competition. We have one facility in a smaller town.” It’s about maybe 20,000 people. There are two facilities in town. There are three of us. The 2 other facilities are owned by 1 person. There’s me and this other person. We know that person very well. We’re good colleagues in the industry. We’re at his website. He should be talking to me or he may be a little bit cheaper than me. I’m like, “I’ll go over there and I have like matches or do this.” It’s this whole game. I’ll look at 10 by 10s, and it’ll be like higher. Somehow, it’s a big game. The good thing is that we’re friends. It’s all good. That’s how it is. It’s not like that person who wants to manage a business and run a business.

“How do I increase my expenses? How do I decrease this? What is my competition doing?” that’s how the storage market is and it is not going to get any better. In fact, it’s going to get more challenging as we get more competition. I’ve been teaching for many years. I went out and bought storage. Nobody cared about storage. Take the best time. I’d go out, talk to the owner, do a handshake and then that was it, but now it’s not like that. Now you have to be on your game that these slow and steady grace these properties really going to manage them very well, we’re going to be on top of my gain.

In 5 to 7 years, I’ll be able to sell them and make a good amount of money on the back end and I can roll that money into something bigger. That’s what your gain is in this industry. You’re increasing the income. The vacancy is as full as it could possibly be. Valuation up. Your prices are up. When is a good time to sell? When is a good time for you to be able to roll this thing over and buy a bigger bill? That’s where your game is. That’s why we’re at. That’s how we monitor everything in the first couple of years for income-producing. This is the most popular way to get in. I think this one mismanaged facility in your first couple of years is going to be a lot harder, a lot more challenging because you are buying something that somebody was not taking care of properly.

StorageNerds | Invest In Self-Storage
Invest In Self-Storage: Your first year with a mismanaged property will be a lot harder. It’s much more challenging because you’re buying something that somebody is not taking care of properly.


You are fixing all these mistakes and it’s a lot more stressful, but get a better deal on that property, you’ll be able to get a better price and you should be able to at least double the value property. We’re seeing some good like double the value of the properties in negative 9 to 6 years, maybe cashflowing or it’s not quite, it’s here and then you start cashflowing and then you’re going to smell it, make its appreciation on the package. That’s what it is. We’ve done sixteen mismanaged facilities now. That’s where we’re at and we played the game and we’re always trying to make sure that we’re 80% higher or full on all the facilities. If we’re not, then we’re looking at like, “What can we do? What is the price?”

At one point in 2023, prices were down super low. You would do a 10 by 10. Typically, $100 was like $40 or something like that. She goes, “You have to be able to be okay with that stress,” where it’s like it’s a market curve and like it’s going to be up, it’s going to be down stuff. We’re all we’re doing fine. Michael is saying, “Do we have an existing retail facility, big box type of store? Is there a rule of thumb on what to pay for square foot?” No, there’s no rule of thumb. If they quoted you in 2023, the prices would be super high, but now contractors are looking for work. They have been super busy the last couple of years and now all prices really high.

“I feel like everything is going back to pre-COVID?” I have no idea. Get some quotes and do good due diligence because the truth is that I have quoted. It’s so much work. Somehow, knowledge, “Should I really do that?” There are probably ways for you to get into the industry. One of the big ones is going to be new construction. Over the last couple of years, you’ve seen all these storage facilities going up in the primary markets. I feel like a lot of the bigger markets are going to be oversaturated and they’re oversaturated right now then, but you have secondary and tertiary mortgage.

Primary, secondary and tertiary. Tertiary means country. The primary is like the metro, Nashville, Austin, Texas, Dallas and all that area and all these storage facilities, all these big box players came up with building and it is got overstructured. Stock secondary market players. Second, market is like the monsters and the storage and all these are like middle players. They’re coming out there, starting building and stuff.

In these secondary markets, you had the older leaders, they’re like older owners that have owned their properties for 10, 20, or 30 years and now they become the competition to these bigger players and they really don’t know how to manage. They really don’t know how to be competitive to all these bigger players because the bigger players come in and they spend a lot of money. I don’t know what their game is honestly. They just spend money and be the best. I’m in primary market facilities, we have competition primary and secondary. The primary market is very hard to be in. I do not recommend it at all. Secondary is not too bad if you’re okay with looking at stuff on a regular basis and being on top of it. The tertiary is the country of little tiny towns and stuff like that.

StorageNerds | Invest In Self-Storage
Invest In Self-Storage: You still have an opportunity to build new construction in the tertiary market.


Typically, 25,000 population less, and not so much actual town. In the tertiary market, you still have an opportunity there to build new construction. I wouldn’t recommend it unless you want to go super big to do secondary market new construction. We are going to do secondary market construction in Florida and we’re going to be doing a big huge thing. Now you can definitely build for 25,000 population or less. You start out with your little 10 downs, 50, 100, 150 or 200 units. That’s a good amount of storage in these times. There are opportunities still in the tertiary markets. I personally would not recommend it unless you get a feasibility set and make sure that you’re paying attention to where the competition is building.

Make sure that the mortgage you're paying attention to is the competition of the building. You need to pay attention to where the competition is building to get. Share on X

Converting Existing Buildings

I explain that in my book. You need to pay attention to where the competition is building. That is the way that is that you keep tag who’s pulling purpose in your area. If you’re going to be building or going to be buying a storage facility, you want to know is there any new building going to be going on. You can place free extra facility. An example is one of my students didn’t build but she bought a facility that was brand new, newly built with no tenant. The owner of that owned that property, he was like a contract and he built 150 units. He did everything like a gated fence and asphalt. It’s like a beautiful brand-new facility and I think it costs maybe around $500,000 or so.

StorageNerds | Invest In Self-Storage
Find Them Fund Them Run Them: The Ultimate Blueprint to Buying Your First Storage Facility

It wasn’t super expensive in terms of how the process works. He sold it to my student for $1 million. He made $500,000 on that property. My student leased that property. I now remember that is a $1 million property that’s not making any income at all. He got a lot on that property, which is a projected-based loan then he leased that property up within maybe one year, but off leased that thing off. They sold that property in my business year three for $2 million. She had one good year of P&L tax returns and then that property made $1 million, and then he took that $1 million and he rolled it over into a bigger facility.

He has two facilities doing exactly that. We took it from a $5,000 property, which was brand new construction to a $1 million property. You sold it for $2 million and that was in years 1 and 3, the construction cost around $500,000 to build. If you were the one that was going to build that property, people really built that property for $500,000 and sold it a couple of years later for $2 million. Your construction is very good and the respect that whatever the amount of money it takes for you to build and all that time and effort that you’re putting into building, you need to be able to 3X that money within 3 to 5 years. That’s the thought process on that. New construction is very good. There’s still opportunity in the tertiary markets unless you want to go super big secondary part.

I bought a conversion. There was a guy in Florida and I know all these buildings. They’re all sitting empty right now, Best Buys and that kind of stuff. You’re set sitting empty everywhere and you can get them for good prices and then you can convert it into storage. That is what a lot of people are doing. You see this all the time. You see the old Kmarts becoming a storage facility and stuff. This is what I’m talking about, conversions. We did not do the conversion ourselves. We bought a conversion and it’s climate. The thought process is it’s climate-controlled and if you look at what the net capital per square foot is for like a regular non-climate control facility versus a climate control facility.

Climate control is always super low. There is a lot of opportunity for climate control versus nonclimate control. You could have a lot of climate control in your primary market, and your secondary market, very little climate control. We have a lot of opportunities. That’s why doing a conversion is a very good way for you to get into this industry if you are doing stuff like that.

I had a student that bought a building and he got Janice to come in. He bought the building, and then he had Janice come and build units out and then you got fill. It’s the hard part because the building is already done. The hard part is getting the zoning or the variances in order to be able to do the conversion because you have to look at the cities and stuff, but it’s probably not that much work compared to new construction and then you have such a good opportunity because of climate control not being as a big of a product as non-climate.

There’s a lot of opportunity there. That’s what I’m saying. If you are okay with it, I highly recommend it. We have a facility that’s a conversion and it’s climate control. We lease that thing. The owner was trying to do it himself and he was really struggling and that’s where that business ownership, the marketing and the game comes into play. If you can’t figure that out, you going to trouble to get leased up. He was in that spot. He hadn’t done the conversion. He was struggling. We came in and leased it up.

There’s a lot of opportunity. Once you figure out the marketing and stuff, you should be able to figure that out. The only good thing about climate control is that your price per square foot is a lot higher than non-climate control. Let’s say, that the average for a 10 by 10 nonclimate control unit in the United States is around $80 or $0.80 a square foot. The average price for climate control is $0.50 to $0.70. You’re at almost double the price for the climate control. Now you’re a little bit more for the air conditioning, but there’s a lot more opportunity.

Entitling Land For Development

Entitlement is something that you don’t lose in the real estate investing world and you know and understand real estate investing. You don’t hear this. Entitlement is taking either one of these and doing all of the pre-development is what it is. It’s pre-development to new construction. In order for you to do new construction, you have to have a piece of land to be able to build. Now in order to be able to build on that land, you’ve got to make sure that the zoning is correct. You’ve got to work with the city and the county. You’ve got to make sure that your variances are okay and the permitting and you got to all that stuff. It could take 6 months, 1, 2 or 3 years, depending on the fight of the property and how the government works in that area.

Some places are easier than others, but all that pre-development work took new construction is called entitlements. All that work is very valuable and it is worth a lot of money. See the type of person that can do that, then I highly recommend looking into this. If you’ve done it before, maybe in any type of niche in the real estate industry, then let’s be very good for you. This is somebody who loves to sit at the desk and manage a project manage because there’s a lot of communication and project management. That’s how it is.

It’s worth quite a bit of money. I have a couple of students who do only entitlements. It’ll take them on average, maybe 1 to 2 years to have it. When you go onto Crexi or LoopNet, you look at all the facilities and you see the land and they have like the big borders and they got the McDonald’s and the Walmart right next to it and they say like, “This property is ready to be sold, ready to be built on.” Somebody’s doing all that entirely. Somebody’s done all that work to get it to the point where they can sell the drawing, sell the permit, sell everything that gets done, and then the filter can come in and then build it, which is exactly what happens with my student.

He bought the entitlement in Texas and then he built the property because that’s what he does. He was a contractor and then he sold the property to my student. My student leased it up and then sold it again to somebody else. That’s how that works. If you’re that type of mentality, if you’re good at like project management and going to communication, and keeping things organized, then this is a very good way to get involved in storage.

I have several lenders that I partner with on deals, and that’s what they do. They do the entitlement work. We have one property right now, where it’s a portfolio of three facilities. One of my partners in that deal is the person who does entitlement. When you start getting into stores, that is a very good way to really get into it. That person sits and manages everything. That’s number five.

Wholesaling Storage Facilities

6) Wholesaling. I’m going to pitch my wholesaling course. That’s already done, but I haven’t pitched it yet. It could be available soon. Wholesaling is where you are the middle person between the buyer and the seller. Your job as a wholesaler is to go and talk to owners and see if they would be interested in selling their property. You can whole sell any type of property you can. You can wholesale, land, commercial, residential, whatever. In terms of storage, you go and you talk to the owner. It’s like, “I’m looking to see if you’re still getting an offer on this property.”

StorageNerds | Invest In Self-Storage
Invest In Self-Storage: As a wholesaler, you’re the middle person between the buyer and the seller.


They say, “Yes,” and then you run your numbers. You hand over the offer and then the owner says like, “This is a good deal. I’d love to sell my property.” You say, “Great, let me put it in the contract and then what I’m going to do is I’m going to go out and I’m going to find somebody to buy this facility. I’m either going to park more with somebody on it or I’m going to hand it over to somebody else.” You are the middle person between the buyer and the seller. That’s what wholesaling is. It’s like paper shuffling. It’s a little bit deeper than that, but this is very good for somebody who wants to get into storage but does not have a lot of money because you make that middle amount of money.

Let’s say I talk to this person and he says, “I’d be interested in getting an offer,” and you offer $1 million for his property, then he says, “I’ll take $1 million.” You say, “Let me go out and find this person to buy it.” This person said, “I’ll pay $1.1 million for the property,” because maybe the property’s worth $2 million and he’s happy to make $900,000 in the next 3 or 4 months. That $100,000 is yours. I’m saying numbers like that, but the truth is those numbers are totally normal. I paid upwards of $250,000. You can make quite a bit of money in wholesaling. Now, it’s not like you do a wholesale bill every month or something like that.

The commercial takes a long time to do things, but I’ve done wholesale deals and made $60,000 to $100,000 on those bills. Once you learn this concept, you can do that. You don’t do like in wholesaling on the residential side, and you’re having to get $5,000, $10,000, $15,000, or $20,000. You commercially make more than that. You get $25,000, $50,000, $70,000 or $100,000. You’re on any list of wholesalers out there in the world. They’re making $25,000, $50,000 to $100,000 on those deals. That’s what wholesaling is. You’re the middle person between the buyer and seller, like shuffling paper. Obviously, there’s a lot of legalities to it and stuff. That’s why you should look at my whole selling force when it comes out.

I really want to get into storage. I only have around $25,000 or $50,000. I know that the money that I have is not enough to actually buy it for the facility. I don’t understand the concept of raising capital yet. I don’t understand how to partner. All I’m going to do is try to wholesale 1 or 2 deals and I’m going to use that money as a down payment for my facility in whatever amount of money I make. That story that I’ve told you is what many students within the StorageNerds program have done. They don’t have enough money to buy a storage facility. They wholesale 1, 2, 3 and make $150,000 and then take that $150,000 and use that down payment facility they own.

In fact, I’m partnering on a deal of one of my students right now where he has wholesale 9 deals, 9 store facilities within the last 4 years and made pretty good money then if he talks to an owner and he offers seller financing to the, he try to come up with the money for the seller finance, you find somebody to do that, but he’ll get the owner the only want like a little bit of money. Not only has he wholesale my deals, he also bought six different storage facilities because he went out learning how to wholesale made offers and then was able to wholesale or even get the seller to seller.

It’s very common to wholesale. You typically wholesale smaller deals. You don’t get out there and wholesale bigger deals, but turn down acquisitions, which is why I go the StorageNerds Turnkey Acquisitions. I have eight virtual assistants that do nothing but call owners all the time and we make offers. What I do is I ask for a cut the deal. If it gets to be too much money, like if I’m going to make $100,000 to $200,000, essentially, I’ll say, “You go buy it. You can have it for $1 million.”

That $100,000, I’ll get that on the back end when you sell the property. You really have equity as well too, insider deals. I like being equity partners in deals rather than wholesaling and getting that big chunk of change, but that’s how it works in the commercial world. Wholesaling very good wages from getting into the industry. That’s the wholesaling course.


Finally, the last way for you to get into self-storage, which I think is the best way in self-storage is by lending. This can entail doing, being a partner, putting your money in a fund, or something like that. Partnering on a deal, lending money, being a debt vendor, partnering or putting your money into a fund. I have all of these and I’m going to tell you that my investors, my partners, my lenders, my investors don’t do anything. They do nothing but make money. That’s it. Your goal as a real estate investor should be to lend your money out to invest your money, not to be the one that’s doing all the work and grinding all the time.

If you have money, I would highly recommend that you look at partnering on a deal or putting your money into a fund, becoming a debt lender on a deal because you don’t do anything and your money makes it. It’s the best way to make money. I have sixteen properties and I’m going to tell you it is a lot of work. When they’re saying they have $50 million or $100 million in storage, it sounds amazing, but it is a lot of work. I want to be the person that’s lending the money out. I want to be the person that’s investing and not doing anything. That is my ultimate goal. That should be your goal. Those are the seven ways to get into self-storage to learn how to get into sales storage.

If you have the money, look at partnering on a deal. It's the best way to make money. Share on X

Which of the seven are you interested in? What did you like about all of them? They are mismanaged facilities, income-producing properties, new construction, conferred ones, entitlements, wholesaling or lending. Of all those, which one sounds the best to you? What are you interested in? Let me know now. I’m closing down my StorageNerds coaching program. I will not have it open for 2025. In 2025, I will not be doing any coaching. I am going to open the doors in 2024 for the last time ever to get into coaching. I have the book coming out. I’m curing a lot of deals. I’ve got my funds. We syndicated a lot of deals.

I’m doing that. I’ve got turnkey acquisitions. I’ve got a whole bunch of stuff going on. I’ve decided to take a break from coaching. That means I will open the door for one month. I’m going to start that and talk to people about getting into the coaching program with that skill. I’m done. I’m not going to be doing any more coaching, I’ll be focusing on some other things that we’re trying to do right now. I wanted to let everybody know it’s closing. The bootcamp is coming out. This is my final bootcamp. I’m not doing any boot camps. It’s on September 21 to 22, 2024. In 2025, I will not be doing public coaching and teaching. I’m taking a break.

Stacey Rossetti's final boot camp is on September 24th and 22nd. Share on X

I get a jumpstart on stuff. I highly recommend coming to the bootcamp. It’s virtual. You just hop on Zoom. Listen in. I take this to your finding funding and running the properties, then after that, you’ll be able to get out and do your own thing if you join, you do get the Deal Analyzer for free. That’s included because you need the Deal Analyzer in order to learn how to run deal analysis. We go over that in the bootcamp. If you join the coaching program, you do get access to my four super simple self-storage, the design analyzer, and all the bootcamps. There’s a Management course, Development course, Jumpstart, Find, Fund, and Run course.

There’s the Wholesaling course. We have weekly trainings. We have vendor demos, case studies, the info training day, where you can come out and hang out with me for a day. Everything is included in the coaching program. If anybody that’s in, will always have access to this, access to me, but that’s in open me. That’s my two cents and I’m sticking to it.

There are mismanaged, conversions, possibly wholesaling lending. The Jumpstart course is a three-hour course that gets you started in calling owners and talking to owners and stuff like that. When you ask yourself, “What are the first ten steps I should be doing?” that’s the Jumpstart. That’s what you’re doing. Other than that, see distressed or wholesaling? You guys all know what you need and what you want. I appreciate you reading and I’ll hopefully see you guys next time. Take care.



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